In a broad sense, all forms of resuscitation is the medical business, which is committed against those who are in serious or critical condition, to prevent death. Death in the clinic is defined as loss of consciousness and all the reflexes, accompanied by cessation of breathing and blood circulation irreversible. Therefore, all resuscitation efforts is the Restore function to the respiratory system, circulatory and nervous, which interrupted or disturbed in such a way so that its functions can be stopped at any time, in order to return to normal as semula.1
Success or failure of the heart lung resuscitation depends on fast and precise technique of Action implementation. Some of the circumstances, resuscitation measures are not recommended (not effective), among others if the cardiac arrest (the arrest) has berlangung more than 5 minutes since it is usually permanent brain damage has occurred, the stadium KEGANASAN advanced, refractory heart failure, refractory pulmonary edema, which precedes renjatan "arrest", severe neurologic disorders, kidney disease, liver and lung lanjut.2
Resuscitation performed on:
cardiac infarction "small" resulting in "electric death"
death of heart muscle disease due to blocked coronary blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. In laymen, marked by a heart attack which destroyed large heart muscle known as heart failure, and the result can cause fatal kematian.3
attack Adams-Stokes
Not aware of a sudden heart rhythm disturbance due to a slowdown or even cause fainting removal heartbeat with or without seizures, kejang.4
Inhalation of smoke (toxic)
Acute Hypoxia
Hypoxia is a revenue decrease of oxygen to the tissue below physiological levels of tissue perfusion despite adequate blood. 5.6
poisoning and overdosing on drugs
vagal reflex
Drowning and other accidents that still gives the opportunity to live.
2. Resuscitation was not done at:
death of normal, as is common in acute illness or severe Chronicle.
Estadio terminal illness An incurable again.
When almost certainly cerebral function that will not heal, that is, after ½ - 1 hour proven there is no pulse on normotermia without RJP.7
Resuscitation efforts performed on the state of clinical death is when a large pulse (circulation) and breathing stopped, but it is doubtful whether the two functions Spontaneous breathing and heart had stopped for sure or irreversible.8
When do we Begin CPR
Doing CPR decision to be taken after we got the results of primary examination, namely: no conscious, no breath, no heartbeat. The incident that led to doing CPR:
1. Ensure Victim Response
We must conduct monitoring of patient response to the shaking shoulders and Ask a situation, for example, "Are you all right?"
2. Repositioning Victim
Victim repositioning if needed, for example you find the victim in the tummy.
3. Make sure breath Open Road
Perform maneuvers head-tilt, chin lift or modified jaw down, as needed.
4. Check Breathing
See, Hear and Feel the breath. Ensure the presence or absence of breath within 3-5 seconds. At the victim is not breathing do not directly do CPR, but you must conduct ....
5. 2 ratings resuscitate
Perform rescue breathing techniques. If you notice any airway obstruction, Do techniques to clear the airway. If the victim's airway clear and he was still in a state of continuous breath after you give 2 breaths made it ...
6. Check Absent carotid
Maintain head tilt with one hand on the victim's forehead and use other hand to feel the carotid pulse. If no palpable pulse when you check in 5-10 seconds, this means that the victim in a state of cardiac arrest and you have to. ...
7. Begin CPR
With cardiac arrest victims to lie down on a hard surface, such as the floor, ground or spinal board. Injuries that occur on the victim is not a reason to delay CPR. CPR should be done as soon as possible.
In CPR procedures always include the principles of ABC. A CPR would not be effective if the airway is not open. CPR is also ineffective if circulation stops. Circulating blood will not be effective, unless the blood is oxygenated. Always remember If bleeding can interfere with circulation. Therefore, if a victim loses too much blood does the CPR ineffective. When the bleeding is happening so great, as in the case of severe bleeding from large arteries (eg: A. femoralis) so that we do CPR may actually accelerate the bleeding, and Causing death Biologik. Although such cases are rare, but we have to Conduct Action to Reduce the amount of blood lost prior to CPR. In CPR, we aim to force the blood of victims who had stopped the circulation to re-circulate with the conduct of external chest compression, which is known as circulation buatan.9
When are resuscitation is terminated?
Have resurgent Spontaneous circulation and ventilation are effective.
resuscitation efforts have been taken over by the PARTIES that more competent and responsible to continue resuscitation (if there is no doctor).
A doctor bull charge.
Helper too tired so can not continue resuscitation.
Patients declared dead.
Given then that after resuscitation, the stadium was in a terminal patient that the disease can not be healed again, or almost certainly will not come back Obtaining Patient serebralnya function, that is, after 0,5-1 hours, proved there was no pulse in the resuscitation without normotermia paru.10 heart
1. Safar P. Heart Lung Brain resuscitation. Jakarta: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. pp: 4, 1984.
2. Alkatri J, et al. Heart lung resuscitation, the book Medicine Ajar, Editor Soeparman, part I, ed. Ke-2, Hall Publisher FKUI, Jakarta, pp: 281, 1987.
3. Stem cell therapy Treat Heart Infarction. / 2008/04/06/1654448/terapi.sel.induk.obati.infark.jantung. (1 December 2009)
4. Adam Stokes Attacks definition. articlekey = 19,423. (December 1, 2009)
5. Rima et al., 1996, "Hypoxia", Dorlan Medical Dictionary, pp: 898, cet.II, EGC, Jakarta.
6. Sylvia AP, Lorraine MW, 1995, Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Disease, "Hiperkapnea and Hipokapnea", pp: 685, Physiological Disease Processes, ed. 4, Book II, EGC, Jakarta
7. DR Sunatrio, Heart Lung Resuscitate, Editor Muchtaruddin Mansyur, IDI, Jakarta, pp: 193.
8. Sunatrio, S. Determination of Death, Termination of Emergency and Long-Term Resuscitate. (1 December 2009)
9. Technique: Heart Lung Resuscitate. ge/216 (December 1, 2009)
10. Sunatrio, S. Determination of Death, Termination of Emergency and Long-Term Resuscitate. (1 December 2009
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