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A New Record!! an old woman gave birth!!

Haryana, India - An Indian named Rajo Devi became the oldest woman in the world that can still give birth. She gave birth to her daughter on November 28, then when she was 70 years suda reach.

Obstetricians in Hospital Hisar Haryana state of India, Anurag Bishnoi said, Devi pregnant with his child through IVF process. Embryo transfer process made on 19 April. "Mother and baby are in excellent health," said Bishnoi

Previous record held by a Spanish woman named Maria Del who in 2006 gave birth to twins. She gave birth at the age of 67 years.

Devi's husband, Bala Ram, now 72 years old, had also married the sister Devi. This is because Devi could not give her children during the first 10 years of age marriage.

Ram claims to have made every effort to produce offspring. "I'm afraid that no one can continue our generation," said Ram. Adopting a child, according to Ram, no problem. Haryana in the mountains, living with other families is common. Only, it does not come from his own flesh and blood

One response to “A New Record!! an old woman gave birth!!”

kluwan one said...

waow...verry verry special, thanks God and congrulation for An Indian named Rajo Devi .

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